Transformed Life
When we decide to make a change in our lives we have to start with our minds. In the same way when we take a dive, you go into the pool head first it is the same thing with a transformed life you have to dive into it head first. It isn’t any wonder to me that each new season of my life was faced with a boat load of worry, anxiety, negative thoughts and wrong thinking. If the enemy can get me distracted and focusing on things that can go wrong, it can prevent me from experiencing the abundant life Christ spoke of.
A biblical principle that I use is “be transformed by the renewing of you minds” Romans 12:1. This scripture helps me see that true transformation comes through renewing the mind. The mind is like a steering wheel it guides the direction that you are headed. In a practical sense it is nearly impossible to see changes when you cannot visualize it. Take for example a bird in a cage. This bird has been in a cage day after day, week after week and had adapted to the restriction of the cage. The bird after a awhile becomes accustomed to being trapped and when the cage is unlocked and door left slightly opened the bird stays and fails to escape to freedom. Why? The opportunity is right in front of him and it is that easy. The trouble is that this is truly easier said then done. When a bird has become comfortable being confined and now depends on the routine of feeding. I have found this to be the same among some people in all my years of ministry. A person can become so comfortable being ensnared by something that the moment you tell about the freedom that is available, they make up an excuse to stay comfortable in bondage. Yet, it is for freedom sake Christ has set us free. He frees us to live and love according to His plan for our life. In order to walk continually in that freedom we must continually set our minds on things above and have our minds renewed by the washing of God’s word.
For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 (NIV)
If you show me your thoughts, I will show you who you are becoming! It is vital that we choose to think about what we are thinking about. Make conscious decisions to cultivate our minds by choosing to regulate our thoughts.
It is important to know that the scripture is not just talking about thoughts that pass through your mind. Because the brain produces ideas every three to six seconds and we cannot control all the thoughts that enter our minds. The scripture above is talking about what we allow to get into our hearts. Our hearts are also known as the subconscious. The subconscious and soul are where the very issues of life come from. The heart is not to be trusted alone for it is noted that it is deceitful. That is why it is good to know that whoever enters a relationship with Jesus receives a new heart and, but it must be guarded. Therefore, the mind of man must be renewed daily with the word of God. This is also known as the washing and cleansing of the word. Since we live in a world filled with hate and bad things happening all around us, we must choose to start fresh daily. Isn’t it astonishing that our thought life is interwoven with our hearts? God is continually concerned about our heart condition. The matters of our hearts matter to our heavenly Father. Men keep their eyes fixed on the outward appearance, but God sees past the outer layers of our external expressions and facades. Even when we have something going on, He goes straight to the heart because he knows the issues flow from there. In the book of Proverbs, it directs our attention to a profound truth about the principles of so as a woman thinks so shall she Become.
It also shows us how thoughts are the producers of our lives.
Our thoughts are like bricks, and our mind is like the structure in which the blocks are laid. When it comes to laying bricks, a part of the process of laying bricks is you must pour concrete to prepare the foundation. The foundation in which you build your blocks should be a firm foundation. Therefore, the foundation symbolizes the word of God, and the bricks express our thoughts.
We know that before anything is built, there is a blueprint and a plan written up. As each thought is being used to build the life that you envisioned. We must be sure to have each thought on the foundation of what Christ has spoken.
Prayer point:
Father God help me to keep my eyes fixed on you for you are the author and finisher of my faith. You alone have all authority in your hands and in your commands. You have called for peace in the midst of chaotic storms and you can do the same when that storm is in my mind. I thank you for your love and care and right now by faith I cast that care on you in Jesus name Amen.