Breaking Free from Overthinking
Living a lifestyle free from overthinking is something that is way easier said than done. Many fall into the trap of overthinking by allowing one thought to linger too long. Once they notice that they are trapped they then try to find their way out by overthinking reasons of why they are overthinking. This isn’t what God has in mind for His children. Because typically where there is overthinking there is confusion and where there is confusion there is bondage to a mindset. God wants you to walk in freedom from this and be free in every area of your life.
You can be free because Jesus provided a way for you to be free. You can remain free because who the Son sets Free is made free indeed.
Prayer Point: Father God help me to keep my eyes fixed on you and remember that you are the author and perfecter of my faith. Thank you for giving me the ability to have a sound mind. You have given me your word to renew my mind so that I may be transformed. Have your way in my thinking daily so that I may rest in your peace that surpasses understanding.
John 8:32
For whom the son sets free is free indeed.

Have you ever found yourself going through a cycle of something that you just wanted to be free from? Straining and trying everything in your strength but just couldn’t shake it. This was me when I was struggling with overthinking. My mind would try to over process and figure everything out. This put me in a position of instability and left the door wide open to insecurities. I needed to be set free from the grips of overthinking. God gives reminders of the finish work that He has accomplished at the cross. When He says it is finished that includes any bondage of overthinking. “Whom the son sets free is free indeed. The wonderful thing about this scripture is that it shows who is doing the setting free “Jesus”. This is good news because if Christ can set free, He is able to keep one free indeed. The book of Jude tells us “now unto Him who is able to keep us from stumbling and present us faultless”. Let’s pause and think on the keeping power of God. He keeps all things in there place from the stars in the sky to the oceans boundaries and limits.
Prayer point:
Father God I rest in you and on you alone to keep me from stumbling back into overthinking. You have not given me a spirit to fear but one of power love and soundness of mind. So today I thank you for clear thinking and wisdom to make the right decision. You alone God are my hope and resting place. Thank you for your unchanging love and protection toward me in Jesus name Amen
“Don’t worry about anything but bring everything to God in prayer”.

Change from a worrier to a prayer warrior.
If you want to see transformation come to your life you have to learn to worry less and make war through prayer. In doing so you must be determined to become a student of prayer. Knowing how you ought to pray will have you praying effectively and fervently. Knowing who you are praying to will have you praying dangerously and consistently. When we know the one who caused all things to come into existence we will stop trying to live life without Him. In all honesty we can do nothing apart from God. Jesus confirmed this in John 15th when He said “abide in me and I will abide in you” and goes on to say “apart from Him we cannot do anything”. We cannot live, breathe, not have anything apart from Him. Yet, we are guilty of doing life apart from Him and then trying to use Him as a mere accessory to our life. Christ is more and deserves to be put in higher regard in our lives. This exaltation is reflected in our prayer life. If we have any hope of seeing drastic and lasting change in our lives, we must commit to change our view of God and prayer. Once the views have changed we must discipline ourselves to make the time to pray and fellowship with God.
Did you ever wonder why out of all the things the disciples could have asked Jesus for they asked Him to teach them to pray? The disciples can testify that they witnessed Jesus exude radical miracles, power, wisdom and even joy from God through prayer. Jesus withdrew often to pray. If our Lord and savior saw the need to pray, we must do the same. Jesus repeated that He does nothing on His own accord but only what the father tell him to do. Jesus also made a way that we can come into the throne room boldly and let our request be made known to God. Therefore we can rejoice to be given such a great gift of communion with our God.
Prayer Father God you are good and there is no one like you. You hold all things together perfectly and causes even the chaotic things of this life to work together for our good. God I ask that you make yourself known to me and that you flood my mind with your peace and my heart with your joy. God how I love your presence and the freedom and joy I experience in you. Have your way in my life and thank you for loving me in Jesus name Amen